Lua Scripting

Setting up Lua Scripting with Ardupilot on Linux

This page will explain how to set up Lua Scripting (opens in a new tab) on an Ardupilot on Linux system, such as the MUREX Carrier Board (opens in a new tab), Navio2 (opens in a new tab), Blue Robotics Navigator (opens in a new tab), and others. This method has been tested on a Raspberry Pi 4/Compute Module 4, but should apply for other boards built on the Ardupilot Linux HAL.

  1. Enable the SCR_ENABLE parameter, and restart the binary (./ardusub, ./arducopter, etc.)
  2. A folder should be created from the directory that you started running the binary from. You can also configure a custom storage path (opens in a new tab) where the scripts are located.
    1. Find any folder named scripts that appear to be related to Ardupilot or newly created from setting the SCR_ENABLE parameter.
    2. If none can be found, create a folder from the directory that you started running the binary from named scripts
  3. Load Lua scripts in the scripts folder. Ardupilot will automatically search .lua files.