
Communication Protocols

Outline for communication standards used in the MUREX codebase

Carrier Board

The carrier board facilitates all functionality of the ROV, thus communication to and from the board is critical. We've opted to use two serial communication protocols for their unique advantages.


I2C is the primary protocol used for communication with peripherals on the carrier board such as the BME680 and the PCA9685.

I2C Primary

We will use I2C0 as our primary I2C bus.

  • SDA: GPIO 0
  • SCL: GPIO 1

I2C Secondary

We will use I2C3 as our backup I2C bus. (Should only be used in the event of absolute failure of I2C0)

  • SDA: GPIO 4
  • SCL: GPIO 5


UART is the primary protocal used for inte-board communication. We will use UART to gather telemetry data from the other boards and control the MUREX ESC's

UART Primary

We will use UART0 as our primary bus.

  • SDA: GPIO 14
  • SCL: GPIO 15

UART Secondary

We will use UART3 as our backup bus. (Should only be used in the event of absolute failure of UART0)

  • SDA: GPIO 4
  • SCL: GPIO 5


RPi Pinout

Raspberry Pi standard BCM GPIO pinout, from

╭───────────────────────────────────────── Raspberry Pi Pico Pinout ─────────────────────────────────────────╮
│                                                 ┏━━━━━┓                                                    │
│                                            ┏━━━━┫     ┣━━━━┓                                               │
│ PWM0 A UART0 TX  I2C0 SDA SPI0 RX      GP0 ┃◎   ┗━━━━━┛   ◎┃ VBUS                                          │
│ PWM0 B UART0 RX  I2C0 SCL SPI0 CSn     GP1 ┃◎ ▩           ◎┃ VSYS                                          │
│                                     Ground ┃▣ └─GP25      ▣┃ Ground                                        │
│ PWM1 A UART0 CTS I2C1 SDA SPI0 SCK     GP2 ┃◎  ▒▒▒        ◎┃ 3v3 En                                        │
│ PWM1 B UART0 RTS I2C1 SCL SPI0 TX      GP3 ┃◎  ▒▒▒        ◎┃ 3v3 Out                                       │
│ PWM2 A UART1 TX  I2C0 SDA SPI0 RX      GP4 ┃◎             ◎┃ ADC VRef                                      │
│ PWM2 B UART1 RX  I2C0 SCL SPI0 CSn     GP5 ┃◎             ◎┃ GP28 / A2  SPI1 RX  I2C0 SDA UART0 TX  PWM6 A │
│                                     Ground ┃▣             ▣┃ ADC Ground                                    │
│ PWM3 A UART1 CTS I2C1 SDA SPI0 SCK     GP6 ┃◎   ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓   ◎┃ GP27 / A1  SPI1 TX  I2C1 SCL UART1 RTS PWM5 B │
│ PWM3 B UART1 RTS I2C1 SCL SPI0 TX      GP7 ┃◎   ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓   ◎┃ GP26 / A0  SPI1 SCK I2C1 SDA UART1 CTS PWM5 A │
│ PWM4 A UART1 TX  I2C0 SDA SPI1 RX      GP8 ┃◎   ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓   ◎┃ run                                           │
│ PWM4 B UART1 RX  I2C0 SCL SPI1 CSn     GP9 ┃◎   ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓   ◎┃ GP22       SPI0 SCK I2C1 SDA UART1 CTS PWM3 A │
│                                     Ground ┃▣             ▣┃ Ground                                        │
│ PWM5 A UART1 CTS I2C1 SDA SPI1 SCK    GP10 ┃◎             ◎┃ GP21       SPI0 CSn I2C0 SCL UART1 RX  PWM2 B │
│ PWM5 B UART1 RTS I2C1 SCL SPI1 TX     GP11 ┃◎             ◎┃ GP20       SPI0 RX  I2C0 SDA UART1 TX  PWM2 A │
│ PWM6 A UART0 TX  I2C0 SDA SPI1 RX     GP12 ┃◎             ◎┃ GP19       SPI0 TX  I2C1 SCL UART0 RTS PWM1 B │
│ PWM6 B UART0 RX  I2C0 SCL SPI1 CSn    GP13 ┃◎             ◎┃ GP18       SPI0 SCK I2C1 SDA UART0 CTS PWM1 A │
│                                     Ground ┃▣             ▣┃ Ground                                        │
│ PWM7 A UART0 CTS I2C1 SDA SPI1 SCK    GP14 ┃◎             ◎┃ GP17       SPI0 CSn I2C0 SCL UART0 RX  PWM0 B │
│ PWM7 B UART0 RTS I2C1 SCL SPI1 TX     GP15 ┃◎    ◎ ▣ ◎    ◎┃ GP16       SPI0 RX  I2C0 SDA UART0 TX  PWM0 A │
│                                            ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛                                               │
│ @gadgetoid                                                                                                 │
│                                                                                    │

Raspberry Pi Pico standard pinout, from